5 Things You Should Never Say to a Child With Aspergers

This topic is one that is close to my heart. If you are new to my work, you may not know that when I was 38, I discovered that my quirks, gifts, and more than a few of my struggles were the result of growing up with Aspergers.

I know that you want to help your kids make better decisions. My parents did too, but something was missing.

Lost in translation, you could say.

3 Steps to Understanding Your Child's Behavior (Getting Back to Basics - Part III)

Some kids will look at a controlling parent and bury them in frustration (Sorry, Mom).

I know you want to help your kids grow out of childish behaviors and mature into adults who can cope without losing it, display empathy for others, and make thoughtful decisions.

I want to conclude our Getting Back to Basics series with the #1 conscious parenting principle.

Breaking Bad Habits (Getting Back to Basics Part II)

I want to talk about habits in Part II of our Getting Back to Basics series (see Part I here).

In my Conscious Communication Series, we do a lot of language transformation, shifting what we would typically say into something nonjudgmental, compassionate, and proactive.

We start by identifying our habits of reacting. I'm sure you could easily list your child's bad habits, but how about yours?

Discipline Burnout (Getting Back to Basics)

Do you ever feel burned out? 
Is the stress palpable, and you sense you don't have another ounce of energy to do what needs to be done, so you -



You know that time of year when everyone is aching for a summer break...

About Lori

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