Embracing our emotions to bring us to a new understanding of ourselves is the first step on the path to maturity.
As adults, have we fallen too far to the side of thinking logically about things? Have we forgotten about our internal guide >> our feelings?
When you go straight to THINKING about how you feel about a situation, you may miss an opportunity to look at the bigger picture, and share your needs in ways which make it possible for others to feel as though they can contribute to what you are asking.
If you catch yourself in the logic trap... neglecting your heart-centered voice, then today's video is for you.
Can I have a cookie?
No, it's almost dinner.
I don't want to go to sleep.
You have to because it's late.
You can't make me.
I am your parent, you have to listen.
Logic, logic, logic... no wonder we get ourselves stuck in power struggles and cycles of negativity.
In this TEACHable Moments video, I'm sharing 4 easy ways to communicate with your kids without even thinking about it.
I want you to STOP thinking so much and just start getting really comfortable with what your internal world is asking you to acknowledge.
NEEDS + FEELINGS = Info we can use.
The secret to understanding your child is inside this video.
And I'd love to hear what you think - so after you watch, leave me a comment.
Thank you so much for watching and please remember, it's about being conscious - not perfect!
Talk soon,
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