Managing Conflict in Five Steps with Conscious Communication

I want to share with you a step-by-step path to peace. 

Your language, attitude, and tone ALL affect your child's ability to meet your expectations. Learning to change the way you speak can take time and practice.

Sometimes, you won't know WHAT to say. 

Being silent is okay. Being respectful is more important than saying the "right" thing. 

Teaching Kids Healthy Money Habits

Creating healthy habits around money is something I have as a top priority goal for myself and my child.

However, with my history, I was not aware of just how deeply hidden my beliefs around money were.

I recently joined Kate Northrup's #MoneyLoveChallenge because I wanted to step-up my self-awareness around my financial future. 

What To Do About "Misbehavior" at School

I want to preface this by acknowledging that most teachers want the best for their students and do everything possible to make their classrooms safe and emotionally responsive environments. They are our heroes, leaders, and the ones who give us hope that one day, all children will receive the treatment they deserve. Sadly, this is not the case, especially in economically disadvantaged areas where resources are low and toxic stress is rampant.

Misbehavior in the classroom is a hot topic. 

I remember when my daughter started first grade, I wondered how she would cope with this new punitive environment 

How would she handle the stoplight system or the unintentional judgment? Would it be stressful for her?

About Lori

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