Self-Care Solutions w/ Hunter Clarke-Fields

When someone asks me: "What's your self-care routine?" I have to refrain from answering, "Um... chocolate?"

At least that is my answer each time I fall off the self-care wagon. You see, I have a deep and insatiable love for all things chocolate. It can shift my mood - in a pinch.

I know it's not sustainable, but I get busy and then I rely on chocolate.

I forget. I resist. I come up with endless excuses NOT to do my morning meditation, exercise or get out in nature and breathe some fresh air.

If this sounds like you, then this video is going to put you back on track and inspire you to be kind to yourself with a few, easy self-care solutions.

I can't deny I am a much better mom, business woman, and a more kind and vibrant person when I am fulfilling my emotional needs and taking care of myself - regularly.

I have a special guest visiting me in this episode of TEACHable Moments, Hunter Clark-Fields is sharing her Daily Practice for mindfulness as we investigate the 3 biggest obstacles to self-care and offer 3 simple solutions.

When self-love and compassion are lacking, it seeps into all areas of our lives. Maintain a daily practice of self-care - even if it is just 5 minutes a day - and you will see a world of difference in your capacity to not just survive - but thrive and enjoy life! 

YOU are worth it.

I'd love to chat with you in the comments. After you watch, tell me -

What is your I Love You Ritual? How do you show self-love?

When you join in the conversation, support others who just might be needing your kind of inspiration, so thanks for sharing your story. 

Thank you so much for watching and sharing!  

Talk soon,

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