Today, I'll be celebrating a few cultural traditions - one of which will be the Feast of the Seven Fishes. This Italian festival of seafood delicious-ness has always been one of my favorite events.
Usually, I'm breaking with tradition, but this is the one time of the year that makes me nostalgic for the customs of my youth.
As the years pass, my child gets older, and my grandparents move onto other realms, I feel more inspired to celebrate and recreate these rituals in my own family.
This year I'm doing the cooking, but I've got some picky eaters coming for dinner, so I'm only making 3 or 4 of the 7 fishes. I figure there are not enough of us to eat that much anyway.
Over the next two days, I'll also be seeing lots of family. For some of us (the more sensitive types) this can be over-stimulating and tiring, and for others, it may be a time of fending-off the nagging questions about your personal parenting choices, or worse - listening to a critical analysis of them.
Sometimes, when you are breaking the parenting mold, not everyone is as understanding, or as loving as you would like them to be.
So in this TEACHable Moment, I want to remind you of a few ways that you can compassionately navigate any potential run-ins with unsupportive family members.
Whatever you celebrate - or even if you don't - I am wishing you peace and love during this final week of 2013 and beyond!
I am honored to have you as part of my community. Thanks so much for watching and for sharing this video.
Have a beautiful Christmas!
Talk soon,