5 Steps to Peaceful Conflict Resolution

"But, Lori - what do I do when....

my child won't listen
my child is aggressive
my child refuses

- my child, my child, my child ..."

Have you ever been in the position of not knowing what to SAY or DO next.  

Feel like you're missing something? Like there must be more to the equation and that's why your child isn't responding?

I talk a lot about the steps to peaceful conflict resolution - as they are presented in my TEACH tool.  The TEACH tool is five simple-to-remember but sometimes hard-to-implement steps designed to bring you closer to your children, more attuned to your own needs and feelings and ultimately to a place where you can RESPOND instead of REACT to conflict.

But let's face it - in the heat of the moment - these five steps can go right out the window along with our tolerance, non-judgment and emotional intelligence.

You know what they say - Practice makes Perfect. 

So in today's TEACHable Moment I am going to give you the full rundown of what the process looks like so you can start to practice it with your own kids (or your partner, boss, mother etc).

And, now I want to hear from you! 

What do you find the most difficult part of peaceful conflict resolution? Share it with me in the comments below

Thank you for reading and remember, conscious - not perfect!

Talk soon,



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