Want Your Kids to Share Their World With You? Try this.

My daughter's "first day of school jitters" got me thinking about the messages we send to kids when we don't listen to their fears. 

I mean really listen.

We tell them so much by how we respond (or avoid) their attempts to connect with us emotionally. 

Am I safe? Am I loved?
Are my feelings normal?

We have so much influence, and yet, we often find ourselves wondering how to get our kids to open up to us. 

How do you typically respond to your children's anxieties or fears?

Do you try to make it better or lift them up with encouraging words of reassurance, "Don't worry! You're going to be fine." 

Or do you offer an empathetic ear, there to make space for the feelings and experiences your child wants to share without trying to praise, fix, advise, or counsel?

It's NOT easy. Here are my top tips!

What about you?   

I do love hearing from you. Leave me a comment and tell me how you get your kids to open up. And if you liked this video, consider sharing it with a friend!

Thank you for reading!

Talk soon,

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