So tell me, has this ever happened to you?
You bring home the new baby and your older child reacts by demanding that you immediately return the tiny, wailing human to the hospital (or trade "it" in for a puppy), and no amount of consoling, controlling, punishing or gentle reminding can contain his mounting frustration and loose limbs?
Your toddler or preschooler can't think about the big picture in a way that allows him to envision another future - one where the baby will grow and he won't be so small and needy.
This intrusion into his sense of security brings up all kinds of questions.
Does Mommy still love me?
Will Daddy still play with me?
Am I important?
What if I am scared, am I going to be safe?
New babies rearrange the world your child knew. This upheaval creates big feelings and brings to light fears which children may never have had before.
Their sense of safety is altered. Shame-free guidance from a non-judgmental leader will help them find new stable ground.
If you are expecting a new addition - or even if the stork has already arrived - I've got a few tips for helping you help your child manage the transition from 1 to 2, 2 to 3 or even 5 to 6 children with a little bit of grace, and lots of confidence.
The young brain is not sophisticated enough to see beyond the now.
Young children don't mature faster with reasoning. But, over time and with predictability, empathy, and lots of practice at getting it right, your child's ability to accept these new changes and restrain their impulses will expand.
I'd love to know what you did to help your young child get through a new sibling transition or how you maintained your sanity during the new baby phase. Leave me a comment and share your idea! (It might just help someone else in need!)
Thank you so much for reading and watching. Have a fantastic week!
Talk soon,
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