
Transforming Judgment

Do you feel like you try to be empathetic and yet your child's behavior doesn't change?

Are you in the habit of describing the conflict with your child by using words such as, defiant, disrespectful, rude, cranky, instigator, trouble-maker, or manipulative?

Have you gotten so caught up in the blame game, that you are unaware of how you might be contributing to the negative interactions?

It can be easy to see our children as "being the problem" - as the ones who need  to "learn a lesson" or the ones who need to be more respectful or more well-behaved.

But how often do we turn that pointy finger around - toward our own hearts.

How often do we look inside and say - What do I sound like? How do I come across to my kid or others?

A pattern of harsh handling or impatience with the immaturity of children can erode our relationships and influence our kid's self-perceptions in a negative way.

The single most important ingredient to changing behavior is mastering the perspective-shift. 

This is also one of the toughest first steps because it requires you to re-think, re-assess and re-evaluate everything you've ever thought about behavior, parenting and discipline.

You have got to get really clear on what is driving your own reactions before you can show your child how to manage hers.

In this TEACHable Moment, I share with you the first steps to start removing the evaluative lens of judgment and blame.

And what about you? What triggers you into a tailspin of evaluation and judgment? And how do YOU turn it around.

Leave me a comment below and share your story! 

Thank you for reading!

Talk soon,

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