Behavior is a Message

When you have a conflict with your child, how do you address behavior? Do you focus on what your child is doing or what he is needing?

Behaviors are messages.

Most people think that by addressing behavior, they are teaching their kids about what's acceptable and what's not.

Unfortunately, when you focus on behavior as your first response, the only thing children learn is whether they are acceptable or not.

Children, especially young children, are vulnerable to what we say about them. If you want to create an environment which supports development, you have listen to the communication. 

In this TEACHable Moments episode, I'm going to take you inside one of my classes as we uncover what's really driving those behaviors with an activity to investigate what message your child is sending.

 Tweet: We're always more receptive others when we feel we have been heard & considered. @TEACHthruLove #TEACHableMomentsRespond to your child's message - not the delivery. (TWEET IT!)

Save your lectures, logic, and reasons and attune to what you child is really saying.

After you watch, here's what I want you to do next -

1. Think about your biggest behavior challenge.

2. Pinpoint at least ONE need that might be driving this frustrating behavior.

3. Leave me a note in the comments and share what you discovered.

This is going to open you up to solutions you never knew you had. I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

Thank you so much for watching and liking and sharing these videos.

Have a great week! 

Talk soon,

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About Lori

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