Top 5 Mistakes Adults Make With Kids and Tips for Turning Resistance into Cooperation!

Much of the time, parents and teachers unknowingly spend their efforts focusing on the wrong things - behavior, compliance, rules, right vs. wrong, etc.

Unfortunately, this skewed perspective leads us down a path of resistance and moves us further from the connection and cooperation we are actually seeking.

Red Light - Green Light: Navigating Punitive Discipline at School

How would you react if your child came home with a behavior chart filled with red and yellow sad faces instead of happy green ones?

Or if your child's good-behavior barometer (
a movable clothes pin) was constantly hovering in the yellow/red zone?

"You've got to try harder."
"Why can't you sit still?"
"You need to listen to the teacher."

Have you ever considered the messages behavior management techniques, such as the stoplight behavior chart, send?

About Lori

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