
Red Light - Green Light: Navigating Punitive Discipline at School

How would you react if your child came home with a behavior chart filled with red and yellow sad faces instead of happy green ones?

Or if your child's good-behavior barometer (
a movable clothes pin) was constantly hovering in the yellow/red zone?

"You've got to try harder."
"Why can't you sit still?"
"You need to listen to the teacher."

Have you ever considered the messages behavior management techniques, such as the stoplight behavior chart, send?
My daughter did. 

And, I didn't want her equating her ability, worthiness, or sense of self-esteem based on someone else's interpretation of her behavior.

Sure, I want her to be accountable and self-aware. 

But, I didn't want her anxious and confused, and I know that the punitive tools teachers use to control behavior fail to deliver useful feedback on how children can manage their behavior. 

In this TEACHable Moments video, I share my twist on the old "behavioral modification" perspective and ideas for helping your child make sense of their school environment.

What are your experiences with school discipline?  
Have your kids coped well or have they been labeled and judged for their behavior challenges?

I'd love to hear about your experiences. Share your story in the comments below.

Thank you so much for reading and watching.  Until next time,  please remember it's about being conscious - not perfect!

Talk soon,

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